Selma F. Bartlett Elementary School
Hybrid Learning Model
March 1, 2021
The Hybrid Instructional Model
Students in Cohort A attend school face-to-face on Mondays and Tuesdays and engage in distance education on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
Students in Cohort B attend school face-to-face on Thursdays and Fridays and engage in distance education on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.
Therefore, students in Cohorts A and B receive learning opportunities that incorporate both face-to-face instruction at the school in the classroom and distance education at home through synchronous and asynchronous instruction.
Students in Cohort C engage in full-time distance education all days and receive learning opportunities that include distance education at home through synchronous and asynchronous instruction.
It is possible that teachers will modify students’ daily schedules regardless of the Cohort due to changes the hybrid model may cause. Teachers will communicate those changes to students as needed.
On Wednesdays, all students will engage in distance education at home through synchronous and asynchronous sessions. As Wednesdays are instructional days for students, attendance must be taken in elementary schools. Teachers will be available at designated times for virtual office hours. Wellness checks will also be conducted by teachers for designated students.
Facility Preparation and Maintenance
We have been working hard to prepare our building and classrooms for students and staff to return safely.
Custodial and Health Office Staff have been trained on specific cleaning protocols that will take place throughout the day and between groups of students in the classroom and/or building.
Classroom furniture has been laid out to allow for social distancing.
Health and Safety
Make sure you check your child’s health before leaving for school each morning for both Cohorts A and B. Students seen in the health office for any health related concern may be immediately sent home to quarantine from seven to ten days.
Except for certain accommodations requiring documentation from a medical doctor, all CCSD students and employees must wear an approved face covering that covers the face from the bridge of the nose to snugly under the chin at all times while on CCSD property, including all buildings, grounds, and school buses, and/or while engaged in all CCSD activities. Masks may be removed in certain circumstances, including when eating, drinking, or engaging in vigorous physical activity, as long as social distancing guidelines are met.
Personal prevention practices, such as social distancing; handwashing; hand sanitizing; not touching eyes, nose, or mouth; wearing cloth face coverings; and staying home when sick, and environmental practices, such as frequent cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces, are important principles that will be frequently encouraged and enforced throughout the school day. Students who do not meet the requirements of personal prevention practices will be required to continue with full-time distance education and removed from Cohort A or B.
Clark County School District will communicate with parents/guardians in the case of a COVID-19 positive case in our schools. We will work with the District Health Office and the Southern Nevada Health District to provide contact tracing.
Parents/Guardians will conduct a wellness check of their child prior to reporting to the bus stop.
Students will be required to wear a face mask/covering while loading/unloading and riding on the bus.
Students are required to utilize the hand sanitizer when entering and/or exiting the bus.
Parents/Guardians of eligible bus riders may experience a delay in transportation services in the event of a cohort or service change. Transportation services will be contingent on space availability not to exceed the defined bus capacity limitations.
When switching cohorts, transportation will take a minimum of seven to ten days to implement. If space is unavailable (general education only), the student will be placed on a wait list until a bus seat is available.
Student’s transportation days are exclusive to their assigned cohort days, and they are not permitted to ride the bus or attend school outside their assigned cohort days.
Students determined to be sick or in quarantine must not ride the bus.
Parents/Guardians of students who arrive at school and then report to be sick will be required to immediately pick up their child. Students seen in the health office for any health related concern may be immediately sent home to quarantine from seven to ten days.
Student and Parent/Guardian Expectations for Transportation
Other Considerations
Canvas will continue to serve as the District’s Learning Management System for all teachers and students to promote consistency with the transition from face-to-face instruction and distance education within the hybrid instructional model. Students are required to access Canvas by signing on to Clever, the District’s single, sign-on platform. Google Meet and Google Classroom and other resources may be utilized only if they are accessed by students in Canvas.
Students will be participating in face-to-face instruction and distance education with the utilization of Canvas and other technology tools; therefore, all students will transport Chromebooks between home and school.
If possible, academic parent/guardian meetings, including Section 504 Accommodation Plans and IEP meetings, should be done virtually but may be conducted in person depending on the circumstances. Parents/Guardians visiting schools for academic meetings must make an appointment and follow all visitor protocols.
As we begin to implement the hybrid instructional model, after-school activities are not permitted.
The parks and recreation departments and other providers in each jurisdiction are committed to providing Safekey for students in the hybrid instructional model. Providers are working with CCSD and school principals to determine the number of students who can be accommodated, while following all health and safety guidelines. In addition, After-School All-Stars Las Vegas and Communities in Schools may also begin operations at school sites. These organizations will work directly with designated personnel and school principals to initiate planning.
Parents/Guardians and volunteers will not be permitted on with exceptions for proctoring support for testing. Parents/Guardians visiting schools for academic meetings must make an appointment by calling the school’s main office and follow all visitor protocols.